My Guardian, the Vampire - My sister made this webtoon, its about a girl who gets adopted by her vampire relative! Slice of life, family, comedy, coming of age.
How to disable buttons on Xbox Series controller on PC/Windows?
Tried to offer Jesus mod blocked me lol
I crocheted Cat from Halo Reach! (removable helmet and guns!)
On a rewatch and Jesus I forgot how much I hated every single character.
Trump keeps 'Day One' promise to squash offshore wind
Man in airport gave me his number then walked away
I’m just at a loss
Super Nintendo Hidden Gems !!
Just got one
Is your Romulus VHS quality is horrendous?
Do I need to watch breaking bad first?
Dating is spooky
What's too big of an age gap for a first relationship?
Ladies when a guy takes a rejection well is that a breath of fresh air?
Guy I’m (29F) dating (M33) goes days without talking to me?
Advice for average looking men
Can’t find anyone to date
Did my girlfriend respond correctly or does it seem like i'm right?
This dating game is wicked
Dating and serious questions
“My ex said I was a good gf”
This lady is 44
story time
Am I the asshole? I thought we were friends