What could this berry be? Caught my dogs eating them in the backyard for the first time, and immediately said no. They look like blackberries, but better safe than sorry
Help with names
What were your grades like in Highschool?
What's weird about your body?
Just want to say that I've been in a poly relationship for 9 years and it's been very healthy, normal, and boring.
Are there any cool/notable trees in Minneapolis I should go see?
Does having an American flag on a flagpole make you think a home owner is racist?
This FUCK was SPYING on me in my OWN BATHROOM? Who is this? I’m Going to Press Charges.
My best friend Nina's burial
Did quitting dairy help you with fatigue and weight loss?
ID help?
Dommy Gold / Goth Man
Apart from GI and skin improvements, what other improvements did you notice when you quit dairy that you feel no one has mentioned?
AITA for not wanting my autistic cousin at my child-free wedding?
Straight to jail
What does my top 10 wrestlers say about me?
Finger/Wrist Pain
After his passing do you think Bray will be fast-tracked to the Hall Of Fame next year? If so, who do you think will induct him?
This promo pulled me out of my depression and helped me overcome my demons and now he is gone this world isn't fair man 😭
Work/Disability Experience?
Have you ever felt this? / Poly breakups
If You’re Grieving
We need to think of the Rotunda Family and his kids and fiancé during this.Here are some photos to remember Windham as a Father.
What were your favorite moments of Bray Wyatt?
When everyone were hoping for his return this return in WWE Extreme Rules 2022 becomes his last ever return. R.I.P. Bray Wyatt