Hot springs trailer just incase anyone missed it
Honestly, Ines ruined the game.
enzo is so absurd against defiler
Who's this guy?
New colossus incoming, but uhh...another Devourer variant?
External components for Yujin
Is there a way to help even more as a Yujin (infernal walker)?
lepic thought this was frostwalker
Hidden Config Files to Boost FPS on PC
I have finally reached 1000 Gluttony Kills as a Yujin main. Thanks to the pugs that made this possible.
PSA to fellow Yujin mains. Skill duration is hella underrated on Duty and Sacrifice
Whats worse than 1 Lepic? 2 of them!
Least stressful Gluttony run with Bunny on your team
Why did my boy Pyro catch a stray???
Literally everyone after devs keep up the trend of nerfing bosses to the ground (as a Yujin main this is depressing news)
yujin gluttony clutch
Advice please
pls just use dangerous ambush
Skill power or hp heal on Yujin?
Temple Of Febe Strike Embodiment Mechanics
What do you think Jack did between 1911-1914
Spamming the basic attack button or let it on auto attack?
Sons of The Forest: Is it true that stuff will never respawn in boxes now. If so, how can enjoy a one world infinitely if all the resources dry up :(
How do I get this cleared?
RDR2 Will Not Run With .dll Files!