Classic Oh No Consequences Sunday: Couple Doesn’t Get to the Gate on Time and a Tantrum Ensues When They Can’t Get on Their Flight
Couple arrives too late for their flight, demand the gate opens for them.
Who knew setting your alcoholic drink on fire could be dangerous!? Man burns his face and the nearby table
Bunch of idjits decide drink flaming liquid.
can you feel mania in your eyes
One of our chickens laid a miniature egg (normal-sized egg next to it for scale)
Men over 35 should only ejaculate once a month in my personal opinion
Why men fall into the porn trap and women don't fall?
I taught 6th grade last year and this gem was found on my floor
I am overly obssesing over a celebrity and it is torture
If you were in a different environment, do you think NoFap would be significantly easier?
Going vegetarian/vegan How did it affect your symptoms ?
I don't tell this to my friends and family. They can't deal with it.
I told my gf about my addiction and something crazy happened.
I thought my (26f) husband (27m) was bad at sex, but after opening the marriage and having a threesome, I think I’m the bad one and I don’t know what to do
Found posted outside my college
I really don't want to know that the pope "slept well last night."
People don't understand the Tomatometer on Rotten Tomatoes
Why have a rant subreddit if you hate ppl ranting.
Stumbled upon some more old journal entries from when I was 9 years old
Pray for family who suffering loss of son
What something you used to love doing but now you find it exhausting?
the blackpill has destroyed me and my view on things and has made me suicidal
Which bipolar Symptoms are the hardest for you to handle?
Found this on the ground outside my office door.
DAE the need to punish themselves severely for failures