Similar shows to watch?
Favorite episode of SVU?
Law and Order: SVU (1999-present)
Describe this man in one word
Funniest episodes/moments?
Which do you prefer? Law or Order?
Give me episodes, I'll rate them π
r/seinfeld, put that on my tab π«
What's your favorite Munch exchange?
Help name this sweet baby boy!!
Favorite psychology scene/ diagnosis?
Season 4 Episode 21: Doubles, Stacey Moseley
January is National Soup Month. What are you ordering? R/Seinfeld, you, you think you can get soup?
What was Georges greatest accomplishment on Seinfeld?
What is your favorite closing argument and/or court scene?
Season 6 - Best season?
Looking for examples of great acting!
Favorite guest star?
Favorite Alex Cabot quote/scene?
Help me name her!! Tryna find something unique!
Which line still makes you laugh out loud even to this day?
Which quotes from the show have you been using in real life?