What's your choice?
Gulf of Romania or Gulf of Bulgaria?
The fuck?
Guess where I'm from based on the countries I've visited 😀
Name this country
Help me name this country
I really wish a _____would show up at my door right now.
Real world map without Fake Country Propaganda
Bro, I’ve got expelled from a____ class
Shkodra Elektronike is serving some Abracadabra (from their Instagram)
Why does kiss kiss goodbye by ADONX isn't in the Eurovision YouTube channel or in Spotify?
Language Barrier
The subreddit's dislike to bigger names
Surprise eye exam: How many lines can you read an arm's length away? :3
What is it now?
Dancing with the Stars Ireland had a Eurovision Night on Sunday which also included a Paso to Käärijä's Cha Cha Cha
תומכי טרור במ
Am I older than this brawler?
"Rigged Selection?" Scandal erupts as Israeli Creators Question Eurovision Song Choice and Demand Transparency, involve the Minister of Communications
Kanye West’s X account has been deactivated after bizarre weekend rant
Атыраулық полиция Мейірімбек Қалижанов деген адамды алдымен наркологиядан анықтаманы алатын кезде ауруханада ер адамды күштеп, оған белгісіз препарат еккізген
Okay, now it’s really over. RIP Kanye West
Ships are my brainrot so now I force them on you
Fr*nce was censored domt worry about it! Who is morally grey and hated by fans?