[Discussion] What’s a Platinum or 100% that you can’t achieve anymore that you regret missing out on?
[January Platinums] not all 100%, but platinum achieved! What platinums did you guys get this month?
Is bioshock worth it?
Which character do you think is the smartest?
[Other] Any suggestions for easy platinums under 15 hour?
[Discussion] What games are on your list to plat this year?
[Ghost of Tsushima]I LOVED this game
What are you hoping for Dead City Season 2?
[Discussion] Have you found a game hard to platinum the second time around years later?
[Discussion] Everyone always asks for your rarest Platinum. What’s your most common Platinum?
[Discussion] Do most people go for the 100% or just go for the platinum?
[Ghost of tushima] took me around 50 hours to get. Amazing game
[discussion] how many bronze trophies do you people have?
I really wish it would stop being thunder weather all the time
[Divine Knockout] #95, I heard this game was shutting down, shame, it was good fun
[Other] Road to 100% every COD: Complete! (for now)
[DISCUSSION] What helps you choose milestone platinums?
[Superhot] I give up on this garbage
[Biped] I recommend this to everyone that love local/online coop games!
[Discussion] Which are the platinums you are most proud of?
[Other] Hey guys, what are for you the best platinums YouTubers at the moment?
[Meme] Guys i'm in need rn...
[discussion] what youre favorite horror game platinum or that youre trying to plat
[Other] I'm not particularly a plat collector, but I'm not liking this number, any game recommendations to make it up to 20?
[Crash 4] I'M FREE!!!