Take your fuckin cocks, and stick em in my ass!
Characters on the show you wish had gotten more screen time? I’ll start
Characters you wish had gotten more screen time? I’ll start
I think it’s time for you to start to seriously consider salads
Fuckin parakeets
"I do not gaze at Spinney."
Simpsons predicted the future again.
We don't post GIFs and pictures under shitposts comments. It's embarrassing.
Wave bye bye!
Bob Bulldog Briscoe on House!
So you couldn’t date her because she was a tickler?
Broken Social Scene
Leaders of the Free World
The fuck kinda likeness is that!?
So they finally fixed 'mayo, lettuce, tomato', but...
You and my dad, you two ran /CirclejerkSopranos
Hey, I'm a fuckin Top 1% Poster now! You don't downvote me like that!
How much more betrayal can I take?
Been working my ass off on these ramp, cheek clapping, there YOU go, do it before the crank wears off shitposts… where my upvotes Paulie?
Guy in there downvoted your every post and comment.
Localized entirely within your Continent?
When she hauls ass, she's gotta make 1000 trips.
Phil's not accepting visitors right now...