Choose one. 1. One time payment of $500,000 tax free 2. De-age by 20 years 3. Stop aging for 25 years
People are dumb about losing medicaid
what did your parents almost name you?
Do thin women just never eat?
I think I am done with Anime...
People should stop saying “as a *insert a group here*” when arguing something
AITA for calling my friends "every pony?"
The legal age of adulthood should be 20
Why do Gen Z’ers sit in the bathroom for so long?
Jesus christ
Are skinny/healthy weight people just not as hungry as people who struggle with obesity?
What do I put behind my desk in my office?
DAE dislike sitting in the back seat of a car?
What is the worst physical pain you’ve ever experienced?
The right way to deal with headlights that shine with the intensity of the sun.
laptop that doesn’t break the bank but doesn’t suck???
Lots of us are worried about not being able to feel yarns before purchasing. Do you think we should start a “Yarn Descriptions” subreddit?
i genuinely have nothing to live for
think i might have forcibly factory reset my laptop on accident
Is it wrong to need to let out “slack” from my yarn ball, or should it be taut?
I hate my small chest
“He would hate this so much. He would find this unacceptable” YEAH CALLIE HE WOULD
"Do not take this medication if you're allergic to it."
Trans people existing is not political.
why does paramount+ play 2 minutes of ads at the end of the episode just to play 15 seconds of the credits and then start the next episode with MORE ADS??????