If your girlfriend had an unexpected pregnancy, would you consider abortion?
Is this because of cc or what
If you met Trent for the first time, what would be the first thing you say to him?
What’s the craziest thing that happened at your school?
How does it feel like to have a penis ?
What name do I look like?
What are your best nicknames for Olivia?
Tell me your favorite character and why, and I'll determine whether or not you get to sit.
AITAH for telling my mom my dad frequently leaves me in pain?
Do boys like girls with dyed hair?
My friend said he’d rape me if I was a girl
is this weird or nice
I love dark mode! What mode do you guys use.
Da onde e essa imagem?? E oq ela significa???
Meu gato não ronrona 😔
What’s good on Netflix?
whats yalls nicholasnames?
What do you think about LGBTQ+ / genders?
Masculine Eyeglasses frames
i drew kitty meeww ^__^
I met some kid named Autism (spelled Aw'tihsme) today
Crying is like jacking off but for the soul
First movie came to your mind
It’s his 3rd birthday today 🎉
Do I go bald, kill myself or get emotionally destroyed by my peers?