Why did the White House "accidentally" allow Russian state-run media in the press conference with Zelensky today while banning outlets like the AP?
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Trump beta sheep thinks that being friends with Russia is a good thing and blames the left for TDS...
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Trump and JD Vance tells Zelensky he is gambling with World War III
She and her whole family voted for Trump. Now she's out of her job in the Forestry Service.
Army Guidance on what words and content to be removed in the current purge.
Boomer got kicked out of lake for swimming, blames trans people
This is crazy lol
Welp…I got fired
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Dept if Education opens portal to report discrimination.
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Korea or Hawaii
What does the GF22 patch mean?
Donald Trump’s team wants to ‘defund’ the California Coastal Commission. Can it?
Starbucks is removing 13 drinks off its menu
Fuck communism
Been dating this man for a few months. All he says is that he did his time and separated to go to school. Can anyone help a girl figure out what these are or mean?
What can u tell me about this pic. Was my great uncle
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