What's this anime?
If they were to make an avatar series about a past avatar, who would you like it to be about.
Pantheon is the best show I have seen this year and maybe this past decade and I need to talk about it
Name your favorite character
If toph wasn’t blind do you think she’ll be stronger or weaker?
Why are you sad? It's just a photo. The photo: 🥲
Is earth the only element that can imitate all the other elements?
AITA for ignoring my wife for throwing away my late wife video tapes?
I misread that as 'Fuck Polities'.
truer words have never been said
How do I wake myself up after 1.5 hours ?
The critics of this show makes no sense
Non-fluffy, light on obliviousness best friends to lovers
Does the scowl came with the job title?
Stright (caucasian) hair dreads
With two pictures define growth (ATLA/LOK)
Story and background as a Stay.
There are so much real life issues the franchise discusses and honestly is one of the reasons the show is so close to my heart
Which character made you fall in love with the franchise?
How do we know that if killed in the avatar state, it will basically kill all avatars past, present, and future?
AIO because I helped a woman in distress as a woman?
It has to be a book…
I don’t think Ozai was the strongest firebender in ATLA
Now that Epic the musical has been completed, there’s one thing I want say.
Your pick? Strongest Benders of each Element (from the Shows and no Avatars).