the comeback is real
Underrated Teams
Xavier Sevenade crazy game to secure Game 4 against ATL.
A impressive effort by Anthony Bridges to stop ATL from sweeping us.
Im in a very tough spot
Rate my giants rebuild?
Lamar jackson, you ARE A legend
How come Lamar is so slow in RB25?
Is this a good lineup for a team thats still in the process of rebuilding, although we have picked up star players?
What has been the single biggest mistake you think you’ve made this season?
When you can be drafted, which player and/or team are you looking forward to going against?
How good of a statline is this?
Question on Career Mode
Career mode builds
Dont really wanna pay for premium but im wondering if i should.
Whats the first build you're creating in career mode tomorrow?
My star player (Ali) left San Antonio to join Toronto
Ask me anything about my league