how do i be less autistic
To what extent is repetitive checking OCD?
Social media
I'm fed up of my special interest, how can I change it?
Can't make friends
Support on NHS? Advocacy?
feel too jittery to stay focused
Meds make me sociable !
How do you guys help showers not be overstimulating?
Reading books with ADHD
Daily reminder-Do the life admin!
Saying someone is "Worse" with Autism
Why are so many Christians narcissistic?
How do autistic people 'see' other autistic people?
How do I manage feelings of guilt for needing care?
Should I cut off my family?
I'm considering ending my life. For those that have considered it or attempted it, what changed your mind?
i want to bring my stuffed animal everywhere
Having a car for fun
What experience do you have wearing a sunflower lanyard?
Autism doesn't make you rude
I finally found a major!!
I feel like I'm turning into a narcissist myself. Not exaggerating. This is scaring the crap out of me.
Looking for suggestions on how to use social media without constantly getting triggered.
How many of you don't work to preserve your mental health?