We are learning about JJ and Simon in school
r/BrawlStars Thief Edgar Giveaway!
I dont think this was supposed to happen
best possible team rn?
When are they going to put out packs for people that dont have all the gold cards yet?
Happy birthday ginge❤️
And how many of these do you have?
If someone guesses the club I support they get r9,zidane,pele and 10 mil(super difficult) Time limit 24 hr
Got this within 5 minutes
Finally did it
Anyone want these for a 99?
Why does this happen????
Anyone want this for a 99?
Trading this for a 99
How is this even possible
Trading a 99 for this pack
Why does this always happen???
Pokimane critisizing harry 😂😂
What is this?
Muscle spasms in freshly cought fish
Why are his eyes red?