I like the clear spots and clear shirmp so I can see whats going on inside my neos. Please show me your clear shrimp! Here are some examples:
how do use eggshells to add calcium to the water
Got a bamboo about a week ago, having some struggles.
Shrimp is just pre-moistened bugs!
Ebay About-Face on Policy Change
Shrimps is bugs!
!Trade Alert! I offer shrimp pictures. You offer your eyes. No takesies-backsies
My mantis friend from last summer
Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs Eggs
Welcome to thunderdome, shrimps!
Shrimp eggs are so close to hatching!
Pregnant girls on display - OC
You are required by law to look at these shrimp
The future is now
Kinda looks like a giant mini-monster
OC Shooting the shrimp (with a camera)
Shrimp wearing a hatshrimp
Caught Mid-Fanning the eggs
Does anyone else keep a culling tank? Wild Type are shrimps too!
Wild Type shrimp stealing the spotlight (up close and personal)
You can see right inside this shrimp. Organs, Saddle visible, even the movement of the intestines near the tail.
Unique blue and red pattern from my "mutant" tank
Shrimp and Loaches munchin'