Roottrees Are Dead hot take that will get me killed
Are faction colors now fixed in Samurai Warriors 4 DX Steam Version?
Alternate Royal Rumble Winners History
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 1: Which episodes to watch?
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 2: Which episodes to watch?
[SPOILERS] The Roottrees are Dead clues I don't get how to decipher
Top 3 puzzle games of all time and why?
What's next for Power Rangers?
Rebooking WWE 2011-25 - Part 2: A decent WrestleMania 27
liv’s reign came to an end last night! how would you rate her championship reign?
Some fan art
Rebooking WWE 2011-25 - Part 1: The Biggest Royal Rumble
Rebooking the World Heavyweight Championship (2002-2013, 2016-present)
Can you guess what this is about?
Is it allowed to make fangames?
I made some more Obra Dinn death memes
What are some things you figured out much earlier than others did and vice versa?
[Spoilers] What is the relation between the Steward and the 2 Passengers?
Mugen Train anime or movie?
Perona (@Bon_drawr)
Why do ppl hate on post timeskip Chopper sm, the dude is still cute asf
A friend was impressed with the roundabout way I figured out the new symbol early on
This game is ALMOST perfect
What I would love to see in the third game