Handwriting Inspired from MC's Font
Se um vampiro beber muito sangue ele fica hiper hidratado ou obeso?
A metaphor for temptation
Comparison of neo-nazi salute with Elon's salute
Good one
What's your idea of an apocalypse?
This is the average end, stop
Rename your favorite item into a clickbait yt title
Should I keep a diary? If yes, how? (I know I just need to write Abt my day, but how do I bond with it emotionally?)
Vocês sabem cozinhar o básico para se viver, ou dependem de uma Airfryer?
Would you put a ___ in your a*s?
Qual o seu feriado favorito, e o seu menos favorito?
Pattern recognition test
What would improve adoption rates?
Do you believe Satan has many names: Baal, Amon, the Devil, Azazel, etc. or are these different demons?
1 John 1:8 "If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us."
Keeper is so hard!
Who can be considered a heretic in the christian context? For what?
May a Christian consume, fantasy books/ stories that contain mages and/ or demonic powers in it?
In your opinion, what do you think the mark of the Beast will be?
Essas duas chegam pra tu na rua as duas parecendo querer te matar o q vc faz?
God has many names, but why the most important of all: YHWH is rarely used?
What's your opinion on angelology and demonology?
If God wants simply to be our friend, why act so formal when praying?