Spotted Towhee, the bird that got me into birding
Dew-soaked Orange-crowned Warbler
First time seeing a Red-breasted Sapsucker
Portrait of a Ring-billed Gull
Shorebirds in Southern California
Eurasian wren (Troglodytes troglodytes)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet (I think)
Red-shouldered hawk
Blue-grey gnatcatcher
Black Phoebe at dawn
Spotted towhee
Eye of the Cooper’s Hawk
Birds 0.005 seconds after I grab my camera:
Western bluebird bonanza
Hooded Mergansers in SoCal
Red-shouldered hawk taking off from branch
Say’s phoebes in Southern California
Snowy egret took exception to sharing the pond with a black crowned night heron
House finch snacking on toyon berries
Mallard duck yoga
Saw an Allen’s hummingbird being still for a second
Common yellowthroat, perhaps looking at its reflection in the water
Black phoebe
Snowy egret successful hunt
Black-crowned night heron napping in the reeds