Anyone like drinking games?
People who earn more than 100K/Year in salary, how does the company profit from you?
Advice For Someone Leaving the Game
Soup Dumplings
Whom will you choose??
Just felt like this fit perfect here
I finally did it, upgraded to HQ 30
What is the most tragic celebrity death?
who are you signing?
Creepy Moving Robots
In Independence Day ‘96, when David is getting wasted and knocks over a trash can… you can see it’s the Art Dept’s trash can
Is timothee chalamet the closest thing we've had to a "Vince" type movie star since Leo?
Favourite Bird?
Who gets UR shards???
Still don’t get it.
banana car
I spilled tea on my mac book air
If the Raptors in Jurassic Park looked Accurate to Modern Science.
Me watching football after winning 2 of my leagues in week 17.
Who remembers their first ever pick in fantasy football?
What do you need to win the chip tonight?
Shout to the real league winners this season
Anyone else cruising home to a Championship?