People that escaped a bad relationship, what's the first red flag you ignored that would have saved you a lot of time if handled?
Anyone who yells at call centre employees need to work a day in our job
What’s your beef? Beauty products that did you dirty
Is there anything you enjoy about being bipolar?
341 NOT scary
What is your true reason for having a shopping addiction?
Trustee Payments
What's the craziest item you've seen a hoarder desperately want to keep?
Thoughts on Kyle Kyleson?
Where do I get. 'No contact with people, ever' job that pays a living wage.
How long until the Romanians deports Tate's ass back to England so he can finally be put behind bars?
Ain’t this guy suppose to be in jail
Jess's daughter watching the show and learning her mom ghosted her for 2 days once filming ended instead of coming to see her
Wells Fargo CEO warns of severance costs of nearly $1 billion in fourth quarter as layoffs loom
is (hypo)manic memory loss a thing?
Anyone else getting triggered by Riley's behavior?
What movie is underrated, or doesn't get the credit it deserves?
Have you ever encountered a hoarder?
Does anyone else have 90df “inside” jokes with their significant other?
I’ve found some photos of Dr. Robin Zasio from Hoarders before she got her doctorate and became a Psychologist.
Season 12, Episode 6: Tim & Wilhelmina
Opened my Instagram and saw this. It’s a bad start to a Friday morning.
What was your favorite thing to do on the early Internet?
90 Dayers' Jobs
Does poor sleep make your symptoms worse?