Season 7 got delivered.
Probably a question that's been asked before, but how does Cole's Bio Leech work?
My reintroduction to owning physical media as 24yo (f)
I'd love a Latte Owl shirt with the logo and script. It's my favorite sign in the game.
Update from KF: In Review, KF Podcast, and Screencast will be recorded live publicly going forward
Is watching season 16 of classic Who necessary/highly recommended before watching season 17?
AI Poem - The Time War Child
Hi! I'm new and still kinda confused-
"Silence in the Library" OST
These are my physical media purchases of March 2025 on!
Got this at a computer store for free today (it was sealed but I opened it earlier)
Is there a way to see how far in you are to a blu-ray when watching on a tv?
How long will they continue to make Blu-Ray Movies?
Best & easiest way to delay disc rot?
Greg's one man show
Remake? I don't think so
Watching nuwho from 15th then 9th
Is infamous 2 dlc still worth getting
Do you think The Web of Fear episode 3 ever be recovered?
Why we haven’t seen a new game (theory)
Could Cole survive sitting in the electric chair?
Am I remembering this right it been 10 year since I was last able to play infamous 2
Blueray Pickup
The fact that this happened twice within an hour
Evil Karma Cannon