My thoughts
The case for Danielle.
Should they increase the prizes?
Minho looking at Kitty🥹💕
Oscars tonight!!
Thoughts on Madison x Yuri?
Stella has been voted Made To Be Hated! Now, who’s the hot one?
Min Ho - a Character Study
Just started
I wish Eunice and Dae never broke up
Why Minho is the best partner for Kitty
Min ho's accent doesnt sound natural (as a brit)
What XO Kitty take would have you like this?
Due the vast majority voting Minho, Minho has been voted Fan Favorite! Now, who’s made to be hated?
Who’s the fan favorite?
What are your thoughts on Minho's sexuality?
Can someone help me understand?
Theories on Dae being the obstacle between Min Ho and Kitty
Sangheon is going to the Oscars
Seen this comment on Insta and need to talk about it
Sir 👀👀👀
milevens don't think bylers are delusional, they think that anyone who prefers a queer ship to a straight ship is delusional
milevens really undermine how much byler means to us