Rare Niantic W. This Event is Amazing.
Hoopa 233256474123
I don’t mean to flex.. but..
Hmmm…. What to do…
Didn't even know this was possible
Just found this bad boy on my door step, what should his name be?
WB Mega Gallade 456372589992
Oh ho 465815557374
Trash stats, but I'll take it
Dragonite raid 787320407850
Mega Gallade on me, Trainer code 7332 0512 9096. 3 locals here
Tcg live wont let me create an account!
Wb Latios 078237324264
Mega Latios weather boost add quick 406548563818
WB Genesect 922794275395
Mega Benette raid! 843824847245
Trump at center of 'most serious allegation of a bribe in White House history': reporter
Something Really Bad Must Be Going on in Trump Land, Because Trump Is Having a Mental Breakdown on Truth Social
Trump raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. Here is that girl, Katie Johnson, at the age of 35 giving a full description of what Trump did to her
Who do you think they are teasing here?
To enjoy a meal in peace
A warning to AFK players, you are not safe 🤣
What's That One Game You Could Play Every Day Without Getting Bored?