No Love 😭
I had 3500 gems saved and accidentally hit the max button on the makeup oil thing 😫😫😫
This event arrived on the new Chinese server
Honest opinions?
Where is this hair from?!
I WON!!!
Does your character look like you?
Things that i progressively understood in the game and made my experience better (I make this post cause I have too much free time rn and I like discussing with you ppl 🥹💗)
How are you guys feeling about the new shop??
What are some DIY features you’d like to see added to the game (feat. my 4 newest DIYs)
crying hard rn
I’m in love with this lipstick
This new banner is so blessed omg 😭
the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.. sighhhhh
Which color?
What item do you desperately want dye variants for?
Stay strong my fellow F2P
The things they’re giving with this update is insane
Which items should I get from the sale?
Should I buy this hair?? The hair above this costs more and I can't get that much gems with the time left. So should I get this hair or just use the blonde hair?
They created Zayne from Love and Deepspace! 😍😍😍
Accidentally rejected ad for 100 gems
I'm leaving the game