Yall gotta stop viewing [pjotv] show as an adaptation.
First Episode
is this accurate for which characters have daddy issues?
Alas, my starter has passed away... Recommendations on a new one?
Second attempt, how did I do?
Second Sourdough Attempt
In Defense of Silena Beauregard
Just watched what I think is a plane crash at DCA
Idk about y'all but I don't imagine Thalia with a British accent [pjotv]
Pattern Advice
DC Rescheduled show
How would you feel about a women‘s Laver Cup?
Dear U.S. Open, Please restrict fan movement again.
What's something you like about a player that you're not normally a fan of?
New dog alert
If I’m going to simp for anyone, it’s him
Why isn’t Adnan convinced that Jay did it?
anyone else think it's a bit lame that Raducanu isnt playing her 1st round on Ashe?
Favorite Book?
Roger Federer at Wimbledon today!
Rafa is back on clay!
Surprised at how much love there is for acrylic yarn?
Clean the Tables Yourself at D2
Yarn help
Got a surprise delivery from my dad, can't wait to try it out! I'll have to be super careful with my tension so I don't snap the hooks, the small ones seem a bit fragile