We need more figures that represent the furry community
They made a thing
This Lego Star Wars cantina off Temu actually looks really cool
Should I open this set, or save it as a collectors item?
Forget Objectivity, what is YOUR favorite Lego set of all time?
How can I get the new grey skin if I haven’t unlocked him yet?
What kinda skins do you think Meeple is going to get?
Is it just me or Meeple is kinda bad at game modes with Objectives more complicated than Kill some guys and don't die!
Looking for friends
New Comic!
My first try at making a Lego Star Wars comic
Is there a ship in the Star Wars universe that looks like this?
Photo Dump
Made a ship from the Lego imperial marauder set
Honestly this is the most brutal on screen death in the franchise. We watch Dooku get both his hands cut off, then we see his head get severed off clean and roll on the floor.
5 power points wow!!!
Did you ever hear the tragedy of darth plagueis the wise?
General Secura leading the 327th
My Custom Death Watch Sith, personal Jedi and Rishii Jedi
Me as a Jedi along with my Rishii Jedi friend and our clone squadron
501st squadron with my own Captain Jog
Commander Thire and his shock unit along with my own Captain Jog of the 501st