What character is this?
Which characters do we see like this?
Make a bracelet for 2 cats
He needs a name (preferably one that starts with N)
My mother is the true genshin god
tell me your favorite bsd ship...
Who’s the most underrated 4 star?
My stepfather is a psychopath and this is how my mother responds.
Took some pics of my little baby!
How's the weather where you live rn?
Meet Prince Caspian!
Pick a number between 1-179 and i’ll tell you the song :)
Tell me one of your hear me outs
Claim a bsd character
Who is this guy near the water? I see him run at night in the secret forest randomly.
What does he look like to you
Comment within the next hour and I’ll write your username in my school math notebook
Bro thinks he is a baby
Just four little troublemakers hanging out
Guys i think im a homosexual
Fuck your star sign, what medication do you take?
My car loves to sleep on my legs lol
What would your username be without these letters?