Where to purchase flowers?
Jacksonville Armada buys land for Downtown stadium
If Jacksonville were to build a new bridge, where would you like it to be located?
MSTR to issue 10 Billion shares...
They greatly improved the roads on Main Street then immediately ruined them
New to all this, hoping someone knows what went wrong (watch to end)
RV Boomers are by far the worst variant.
Too much crashing in solidworks.
I don't understand MicroStrategy
Ground Grid Testing (2 pole)
A while ago I posted about the 1910 general store I was going to buy and the day finally came and I have the key in hand!! I posted some before and after pictures of what I have done so far!
What’s a ‘normal’ thing in society today that future generations will look back on and think we were crazy for doing?
ULPT Request: Device that completely shorts power outlets
Events Sold Out
Men and women of Reddit who are choosing to remain single, why?
It’s so ambiguous
Huge market movement in last ~25 minutes
i dont trust miquella
Iykyk. Nightmare stuff
We Need to Talk About the Gloam Eyed Queen
Drawing slightly shitty versions of Elden Ring enemies every day until the DLC comes out. Day 44: Tibia Mariner
Someone was really proud of this detail that shows absolutely nothing.
He had me in the first half… tits
Back EMF/Collapsing magnetic fields from non motorised IT equipment when disconnecting breaker?
Mechanical engineers in electrical roles?