Suggestions with similar vibes of Hunger Games, Twilight, etc.
Beauty and the Beast’s Winter Wonderland | Thomas Kinkade | 1000p | Schmidt
Classic fantasy without focus on romance?
Quelle est votre librairie préférée ?
Et voilà, je suis atteinte d'endométriose.
Suggestions that have romance as a sub genre
Name an obscure fantasy novel and lose a point for every person who says they’ve read it
Livre qui avait fait scandale sur le décès d'une mère
I need help: book suggestion for my mom
Got downvoted on r/suggestmeabook but I'm looking for some easy to digest trans/lesbian romance.
Can anyone recommend a mystery fantasy novel?
New bedhead set up! I had to say goodbye to my book bridge (see last slides for old set up) + all my other shelves
What are some of the best standalone books you've ever read?
When do you decide to stack books horizontal?
I’m curious, how many puzzles are in your to-do stack?
Libérez votre cœur : c'est quoi ces choses pour lesquelles on vous a accusé de mentir alors que vous disiez la vérité ?
The FB Marketplace Haul I Couldn’t Pass Up! …
Fantasy Forest, Illusion | 350 p | MB Puzzle
I thrive on chaos
Sci-fi book where the aliens are extremely non-human
My 52 in 2025 final picks
Which books would you recommend to a romantasy reader that aren't romantasy?
[ENTRY] New York Puzzle Company - Christmas at Hogwarts - 1000 - Beatle song: With a Little Help From My Friends
2024 Book Spending