Do you ever think about your father or grandfather when you're working on something?
Jon Stewart claims "Capitalism is by definition exploitative, it's how it operates, that's fine"
Spread the word
How to fill in gap between shoe molding and baseboard?
If Succession had ended with a fascist coup, it would have been slammed as over-the-top. And yet here we are.
What home improvement trend is going to be ripped out in 10 years?
61% of Israelis don't see forced sex with acquaintance as rape. When asked whether they saw forced sex with a spouse as rape, only 8.5% of women and 7.3% of men said yes. Less than 50% of Israeli men think Israeli women are just as capable of committing genocide as them. Truly a beacon of feminism.
Another 14 flag salute from the South African Nazi
Textured Wall Renovation, What To Do?
If, after 30 years of thinking you were allergic to almonds, you suddenly found out you outgrew your allergy, what is the first food you would make or try with almonds?
What would you do to make sticker goo go away?
Always will
Paint line burst n caught me, am I good to just use antibiotics n such
Re: Hasan potentially having a housekeeper/chef
Didn't realize Kendrick was satanic
Is it time for Americans to start buying guns?
This is what I call a struggle blunt
New vaccine from MIT and Caltech could prevent future coronavirus outbreaks
Musk Makes Nazi Salute at Inauguration
Elon Musk Sieg Heiling during his speech
Any tips on why the paint is this streaky after 2 coats and how to fix?
It should be illegal to send important communications by snail-mail only.
Weird exterior—How to improve it?
First-time camper being dragged on a two-week backpacking trip—help me not hate this