Trying to choose between red and green lenses… Thoughts?
Just picked this bad boy up on the first day of rerelease!
Got lucky
Look who I’m finishing up… just in time for their nerf. I still like them though.
If you’re not using these when building your tanks, you’re missing out.
It is done
What is this Part supposed to be?
Advice On Painting All These Vehicles
My pile of shame is almost gone!
Reinforcements for my Valhallans
Found these trees on amazon.
What’s the best way to deal with Deep Strike?
Castellan ready to go
Update on kasrkin marksmen
5 down 10 to go
Scions are just about ready to fight!
Which paint scheme do y’all like better?
A list that worked really well for me
Reinforcements update?
Space Marine 2 is making my Imperial Guard heart explode.
Looking for critical feedback
Thinking about starting Guard
For my Daughter
Anyone interested in helping me extend on a narrative?
Where is our Codex!?