How to play Chaos Cult into Plague Marines?
How does my first plague marines look?
What nerfs do you expect for Warpcoven (and chaos in general)?
Tips on playing Chaos Cults in the new edition?
Extraction mission rules.
Monthly General Question and Discussion Thread: January 2025
How do you class a team as Elite, Horde, or eh... 'normal' ?
Tempestus Catachans
WIP bio proxy
Termie or Barbie?
My cult demagogue
Militarum Mechanicus Meeting Monday
Good luck to everyone for the next four years. May the Emperor be with you.
How to play death korps killteam?
LVO Changes
Is this a legal charge
How do you run your plague marines kill team?
"Yall seen that Texas red fella round here?"
Cover saves vs Obscured
First of my Kasrkin, ready to get dragged into whatever madness the Catachan are up to
Played my first two games of KT over the weekend, AMA (/s)
Can he hit the ork?
Honsetly, Smasher is one of characters who can take on Primaris for some reason
First match and miniatures ever