The anti-DPRK messaging of Hunter x Hunter’s Chimera Ant arc
Unannounced Hellsing Crossfire anime project?
If your earnings reach £12,570 and you start getting taxed, do you still get taxed after the new tax year comes?
Changed my tax code to 1257L, not getting taxed anymore (UK)
Your Fave Is Problematic creator is now active on Twitter
Is the portrayal of East Gorteau as a parody of the DPRK/North Korea offensive?
Any pictures of the art from the various mangaka that contributed to the 30th anniversary exhibition?
(Applicator) Tampons heavier than Tampax Superplus (UK)?
Will Proton VPN block website ads in IOS browsers (Chrome, Safari, etc)?
Is Proton VPN good for IOS?
Big Allegations happen as Someone claim that Eclipse Studio already done with this porject even before official company came in...
Using/washing period cups in a public bathroom?
Complete Beginner: What sort of account should I open and where can I begin from there?
why does part 6 get so much hate
If the manga ended on 364, it wouldn't even be that bad
Is it disrespectful to write real historical tragedies as character backgrounds?
Is it wrong for a fictional work to be from the viewpoint of the oppressors rather than the oppressed?
Tumblr's reaction to that scene in part 9 ch. 13. What are your reactions to this?
Weekly Help and Discussion Thread for the week of March 04, 2024
Do billing addresses receive paper invoices for orders made on Amazon?
What is the worst-case scenario for the release of Steel Ball Run's anime?
Can’t find a Civil War leitmotif/MMV.
Dragona's gender
Oda will be a judge for the 107th Tezuka Awards
What do you personally look at when rating how good a show is?