How the hell did y'all walk around with Discmen???
Sea caves ice?
Main Street
Hercules Impact Driver conversion
Nazi bootlicker Phil Scott begs to be replaced
North Ave in the NNE.
What the heck happened
The tip of ball hex broke off, and it's stuck inside the bolt.
The YNP Platform
The Yankee National Party and its platform
Equivalent to Marketplace and Buy Nothing on Meta
Even If You're Not The Vice President
Be aware of melting ice in the next few days
This safe was left by my homes previous owners. Anyway if busting it open? I hear something sliding around inside when I move it.
My Honest Review of Red Square – A Disappointing Experience
How fucked am I?
Liberal Peasants Driving Up Prices
I need a Burlington Reddit traffic cop
This is correct? Living in this condition? Paying 1.500 monthly
Sharing my Series of Photos funded by Middlebury + Quotes Professors have Said to Me (Conation Black History Month image 1)
PSA: When posting pictures of things "shaped like Vermont" please remember West Haven. We have a saying down here about things shaped like Vermont; "It don't mean a thang if it ain't got that wang."
Winter driving
just curious..?
Cars parked overnight last night not towed or ticketed