What's your Secret or Unusual Pancake Filling?
What do you imagine if I said “I’m halfway through shearing my sheep”?
Buying a horse for a sponsored rider tax treatment
Company Car Lease (BCH)
What are the funniest names for things your kids use?
Childminder charging me for "longer term" despite funding + term time only?
A blonde, a brunette, and a redhead, a priest, an imam, and a rabbi, a doctor, a lawyer, and an engineer, two dwarves, a leprechaun, and a man carrying a duck all walk into a bar...
Commission % and VAT question
Should CGT apply in this case?
Playing a guitar like a cello with a chopstick for a bow
Death of the "works do"
Am I crazy for not claiming VAT/corp tax relief on van?
How Should Incentives from Microsoft Be Categorized?
What is the most inappropriate joke you've ever made?
Home charging a company Electric Vehicle
What's wrong with my National Insurance calculation?
Is a degree in accounting necessary in the UK? Does it matter if it's online, part time or full time?
Squeezed middle class? Decent salary but struggling to save with a family.
Business tax - carry back amendment
Sister Monica Joan Error in latest episode?
Don’t panic - £1,000 rule not necessarily applicable to eBay, Vinted, etc
Hmrc now wanting to tax you for selling clothes on vinted or old shite on eBay but god forbid they go after anyone who actually has money.
What’s that thing you mentioned once and is now pretty much every gift you get?