Why I left the r/vcha subreddit
KG first hearing - March 6 - Fights to make her case public against JYP wishes
These should be the main 4 for frontiers 2
Why did everyone forget about Sonic Superstars after a few months of it came out? And why is it so hated?
where can I find this bootleg metal sonic plush?
It is insane how Sonic movies did source material justice and won as 1st movie, yet those "fans" look for any excuses to complain about this? 🤦
Anybody find it sus that nobody has heard about Kendall?
Got them dressed like middle aged moms in this promo pic🤣
If Degrassi was a real school would u attended
Who else wants this whole situation to end
Emma was honestly an icon
they could NEVER make me like you Zoe
I think VCHA should disband.
VCHA Should Not Disband Because One Member Wants Out of their Contact
The Vlight Universe community organized a supportive fan letter event for KG, and she responded. I'll leave the document below if you'd like to see it.
Peter got better.
Hot take: I didn’t like Esme. People call her a “BPD queen” and say that her behavior is due to her mother’s death, but all I see from her is that she’s unnecessarily manipulative, vindictive and a horrible person all around.
I need some help. Finding the fitting puzzle pieces.
What Song You Picking?
assumption about vcha's comeback
is it okay to be neutral?
Stressed at work? You're fired!
Unpopular opinion: I never saw KG in the group.
Eli and Jake ate this fight up LMAO