"normal gameplay"
Bro what????? How is this offensive
In Your Opinion, Who is Your Team's Best Player of Each Decade
Who would you cast in a Rainbow Six movie?
When does the new season drop
Is it better to switch to your secondary instead of reloading your primary?
The people are actually embarrassing
Paddle leaning is op
If you could make a limited time event for siege, what would you come up with?
What operators should i start playing and “maining”
Just finally beat this boss in the game
where did the adamantium thats in wolverine come from
Who's your least favorite mlb player?
is it worth buying the game now?
Which operator should I get next
What’s your favorite weapon skin
What do you want to see added to Siege X?
Is there more people who play like Macie Jay? That is, tactical
No words genuinely 100% IQ Play
Anyone know why the match makeing is dog****
Should Battlefield have bipoded aircraft?
In Memory of the Late Gene Hackman, say a quote of his when he played Lex Luthor
What are some realistic gameplay aspects you would want to see in Siege X?
Best one-man army operator???
What are some of the worst nerfs that need to be reverted?