People who don’t use turn signals while driving- why not??
Batman got his name from his fear of bats, using the same logic what is your superhero name?
What is a 'normal' thing that people do that you find absolutely weird?
Cat weird symptoms, vets don’t know
Robinhood issues
what's something that sounds completely illogical but is actually correct?
Editing Merchant for Multiple Transactions
What are you slowly losing interest in as you grow older?
What are some hard to learn easy to master and vice versa things?
How do couples make friends with other couples?
What’s something you thought was common knowledge but found out most people didn’t know?
Blind people probably don't enjoy traveling, new sounds aren't worth the effort 🤔
Don't mind me hooman
Rammus Rework Idea
The Problem with 9.5 Vi: She Needs to Build Against Herself Rather Than Against Her Opponents
Need help with early game junglers
Everybody gangsta till the Rammus start walkin
Messed up my Q, but had a surprise ready for MF
In regards to the NA Vi club (Vi club tag)
Has a reverse hybrid motor even been attempted?
Hybrid End-Burning Rocket Hot fire Test
According to loAccording to lolalytics, Vi's WR is 1% lower with patch According to lolalytics, Vi's WR is 1% lower with patch 8.8
Why do I find this so funny?
I once gave my mom a cd, and she told me all the songs sounded the same. I then found that her cd player was on track repeat. What are your parents' technology fails?