Is this repairable
ELI5: How can electrons exist without being made of anything else?
ELI5: WiFi, networks, servers
China’s experimental ‘artificial Sun’ passes key landmark for viability of nuclear fusion
ELI5: How can an audio track only come out of the left or right speaker?
ELI5: Why did older cars need a long metal antenna to operate the radio and newer cars don't?
Why is my display not working correctly? [TFT 1.69 Inch ST7789]
Hilfe mit Arduino
Nobody crosses the equator and gets away with it!
Pi Zero project with display to remotely send my sister updates about her dog that I look after while she's working
Trying to automate a 3-way light circuit with no neutral
ELI5: how wifi isn't harmful
Kan man opløse blotters i vand eller alkohol?
Love it when actors show diversity in their roles
TIL an artist displayed 10 goldfish in individual blenders in a Danish museum and allowed visitors to turn on the machines. Some did.
I made this before i realized there wasn’t a sub for fake Onion articles
Can I get small motors to replicate the sound/vibrations of much larger motors using audio files?
They have won but at what cost.
Do we think the mods will let me post another example of trump admin declining into censorship?
How would I achieve a touch like experience on a spherical surface?
Make Real Food Cheap Again
Thoughts/experiences using one of these?
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