Did you finish the Diary event?
For ones who've went on the trip: How many people were in your group?
What goes in the middle square? Please explain how to work it out
Are there any Zionists here that used to be anti-Zionist?
Slightly morbid question…
Scratch that itch Hannibal left
“They love each other deeply.” Thank you Bryan
this poem made me cry (vegan)
What do you call a nice vegan?
Just wanted to say how much I respect people who eat meat
“It’s fine to eat something vegan that touched meat, since you consume meat particles in the air anyways!”
Vegetables hurt my tummy
"I don't like labels so I will never go vegan"
Veganism kills animals!!1!!!1!!!1!!1!
How many counties of Ireland can you name ?
It took me way longer than I like to admit to figure out that it isn't
Vegetarians be like
A great milk carton design
What is your biggest fear?
To open those sliding doors … of the elevator
Is there a vegan supplement that just has everything so I can just not think about it.
Not sure if it's done already, but mine is 😢😂
Anything I should add?