Most underrated states to be happy in?
Where do you live now and where are you trying to move to?
At what point does being inshape stop making a women more attractive?
What’s your darkest fantasy?
Portland OR vs Portland ME?
Everyone to the United States
It's ok if you don't get signs or experience extraordinary happenings
Never been so excited to start this journey 🙌
I've gotta get out of the south
Is the quality of life really better in Europe?
What do you think of stretched ears/gauges on girls as an accessory-earring option?
What do you think of Korean beauty standards?
What is the most *overrated* facial feature for women?
Help! Trying to find a city for my mom...
Europe vs USA
I’m exhausted being American
23 yr woman
For those who’ve lived in a variety of cities, what things have contributed to your quality of life the most?
this can honestly be only good for Rivals...
Im becoming disillusioned with living in the USA. It’s depressing how much the USA is just suburban sprawl.
Older guys, would you date a woman that does SW or "online content"? Ladies, have you tried doing any of that?
Why can’t 2009 borns just have peace with us?
Favorite Decade of All The me
Difference in the reception of newly released games.
Best beach urbanism in the US, and worldwide?