What is this?
What‘s a deltarune take that’ll get you like this
Enjoy right now Today, Song and Opinions are both mid, which song is Bad but opinions are 50/50?
I’m Passing The Phone To Uzi, What Does She See When She Opens The Comments?
I have a question.
What's ur favourite Tyler?
J won for evil and mixed, now. Whos a good person but hated?l
Attention everyone. How do you spell this fruit?
OK V WON, now whos uhh, Evil and opinions are divided?
What would be the worst song to play around parents
Aight uzi won this round. Now, who is morally grey and fan opinions are varied.
Ok, cyn had unexpectedly won, but it only gets harder here. Now whos good, but not hated or loved?
So N won by a landslide, honorable mentions go to uzi. Uhh so whos evil but loved?
Forget who you want to join, which character do you NOT want in smash?
If tyler went the frank route and only dropped 3 albums what 3 albums would you want them to be?
proof of H
I believe that most everyone in this group is aware
here we go ig
Which H is the best H (part 5)
Ok, unexpectedly, thad won over N. Now who’s morally grey and loved?
Pick ONE SONG from each album to keep, the rest are deleted.
Came back from a one week vacay and I missed him Sooo~ much😭🩷