Countries that have previously shot down a Russian aircraft 🇹🇷🇺🇦🇬🇪
how safe are you from the french?
Map of which European countries have pledged official support for Zelenskyy and Trump today, so far
The Pieshop Kobolds
What tags to play in 3 persons co-op?
Map of Austria immediately after WW1
Tianlou or Dhenijansar - which is the better capital?
The REAL best way to win the Sir revolt
Thouuusands of years
Can someone explain this popup?
Regent Court won the League War. I’m Corinite Rogieria. All is lost?
Coalitions up my ass
Halessi game
[Request] is this accurate?
Map of every buildable road that I know of in Anbennar
Cross gender friendship around the world
Kaoru Nagase has been chosen as the Medic. Which Female Isekai MC is the Speed Fighter?
Why Munich again?
The Four Great Demons of Isekai
Doesn't google help for it ?
Most common second language
Is there a way to deliberately give the great conqueror trait to a specific nation?
Is it just me, or does the terra incognita get revealed very slowly?
Every Dwarf game in nutshell
Hypothetically speaking, what would Kuze do here?