How far did you drop your standards to get laid?
What car does he drive
What is something considered "American"?
I’ll just leave this here and all its glory
What are you going to do tonight?
Americans have you started freaking out yet? What's your game plan?
Who will be the next President of the United States and why?
What are some of the best titles for adult films?
You go to the record store and you see all of these albums on display, but you can only get two of them. Which two are you snagging?
Whats the greatest invention of all time?
How did the girls know that the condom broke?
Guys, when you see a beautiful woman do you have sexual thoughts?
Sex-havers of Reddit, how did you meet your valentine?
Who’s your favourite basketball player of all times?
Do all men feel this exhausted in a relationship?
What car does he drive?
What would he drive?
What habits did you learn from growing up poor?
What will be the best advice for someone who is in their early 20s?
To people going to east side of capital, please go to west side. Everyone is there right now.
Why most Indians/pakistans/bangla refuse to wear deodorants?
What is the most disgusting food you had ever tasted?
When did you know your relationship was over?
What is your favorite rock?
It's 1968. You're cruising over the hot jungles of Vietnam in your Huey. What's the music ?