Anyone try Celexa or Paxil for panic attacks/agoraphobia/GAD?
Anyone here been prescribed benzos long-term for insomnia?
Skeptical about taking Zoloft for insomnia
Will SSRIs work for me? (Chronic subconscious anxiety causing sleep maintenance issues)
SSRIs to cure chronic subconscious anxiety-induced sleep maintenance insomnia?
Does going through a traumatic event age you?
Am I doomed if I get only 5.5hrs of sleep half the week?
Anybody have knowledge/experience in the OR in Glendale Adventist CA?
Do People Really Hate Player 100, S2?
If you were in this game and it ended, who would you house for a while since they're homeless?
You get approached from behind at a bus stop late at night at 1AM. Who would you feel least afraid of, knowing what they do?
Look so old due to insomnia, can it be reversed?
36 [F] These last few months have aged me. What can I do to enhance my looks.
California License Cheat Sheet Request
When to take Clonidine for insomnia
Korean film about a female killer who tortures and kills a lady at the end?
Was I wrong in investing in FBTC?
B is for beauty flower 🌸 C is for...
Which one is the most sociopathic?
A is for Ali 🥺 B is for...
Venlafaxine and Insomnia
LPT Request: why do I wake up too early and can't get back to sleep?
I can't sleep more then 4-5 hours each night?
Tolerant to 15mg Valium after only taking it a couple times each week
[24 F] recently gone through a breakup and looking to see how I can improve as I start to re-enter the dating world 🥲