Chikyou Star Results
Ranking Stars of Destiny: Chian Star (The Strong Star)
Who do YOU think will bail them out in the trailer?
Where did Luke get his celebration outfit?
You agree with me?
Always pick Jeane with lightning rune
RC boats with cannons battling it out.
Ranking Stars of Destiny: Chikyou (The Strong Star)
Chitou Star Results
Ill start
Chikatsu Star Results
New to the franchise
Which game has your favorite main quest?
Idk what I'm doing. :(
Which of them are you most like? Aqua, Megumin, darkness or kazuma? Why? Artist: anarchojs
Luca Blight is going to be featured soon for Konami Official S I & II Remaster - Days to go.
Itachi vs Orochimaru and Jiraya.
25 Edo Madara clones vs Akatsuki + Orochimaru with part 1 Edos (the real Madara will sit, eat snacks and read the comments in the comment section)
can't save Nanami ;-;
Will i like suikoden ?
Farming Double Beats and hit the jackpot
Chimou Star Results
Chisei Star Results
Getting a Suikoden tattoo, which True Rune should I pick? 100% serious.
Soul Eater Tattoo (done circa 2008)
Chibun Star Results