Why is Waaagh Energy and the General Science of Orks so incredibly misunderstood ?
So you are telling me this Thing can transport 12 Guardsmen ? Sure...
What made you choose Khorne ?
What made you choose your God ?
What does the "E." In Creed's Name stands for ? Emperor ?
Got distracted Painting and Decided to turn a Old Toy Piece into an Outpost Fence.
How do you paint these skull for chaos?
House perdaxia decal
Which Faction would most likely make a Tripod ?
Would a mechanised Infantry Regiment use Artillery ?
Why do peaple hate uprising so much?
For a Non-Death Korps Army, does this Design read to much as Krieg Style ?
Super easy question... Can tanks shoot in melee with Blast weapons?
Anyone got a good Alternative or Proxy that well, looks better ? The Rules look fun but the Design simply doesn't work.
Demolisher supremacy
-You're just a Cheap Knockoff -Oh no no no, i am the Downgrade
Literally everyone of you.
What is this on the ork lootas gun? Lazar or shoota?
Our first yearly Apoc game was a success! Big thanks to u/PhrozenWarrior and the Apocalypse 10e team.
What is the best Leman Russ variant?
Worried About Codex
120 Cherubs, amazing Deal!