In what order am I supposed to play the games?
I have a question
I have a few questions
What is your favorite flower and why is it your favorite flower?
What song is playing right now for you?
Not even booktok could ruin this.
What are your top 10 anime?
Give me a metal song and i will rate it.
Rate yourself from 1/10
My thoughts ony he song "after dark" by mister kitty
What is the lore and the symbolism and the implications behind the song "after dark" by mister kitty?
Ok guys seriously femboys or tomboys?
Oyun biraz zormuş galiba
Yalvarırım okuyacak bir şey önerin.
I'm planning on buying the game, is it good?
Friendly reminder that everyone in this subreddit can't beat a lion.
izlediğiniz en kötü anime neydi?
heheheheh i think i really pissed a pedo off😁😁😁😁 im too good at this
Okulda yaşadığınız paranormal bir olay var mı?
Sizi ağlatan animeler hangisi?
Can you say “yes” in another language
i feel like everyone should introduce themselves so we can meet everyone of these (mostly) lovely people :33
What's the meaning of your name?
You see bro, what’s the first thing you say
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