Calamity Developer AMA #6 (March 2025)
When is the next calamity update?
Calamity Developer AMA #5 (December 2024)
How do we all feel about Avatar of Emptiness?
Why? I Known her for an 1 hour and I'm crying right now
Why no whips?
Meme about the removed future bosses, Ancient Doomsayer, Devourer of Universes and Dragon God, Yharon.
Is there a lore reason to why they gave Xeroc beautiful hair only to just make him bald?
is calamity getting more major updates?
long gone
What are your Calamity Headcanons?
Upcoming character: Vetrasyl, the Storm Dragon!
vetrasyl is one of the auric dragons AND I GOT TO HELP WORK ON HIS REDESIGN (thank you stip and everyone else working on him)
Yharim Cosplay Progress!
Why do we have to kill yharon?
Why Yharim doesnt Just kill Terrarian before they ascend beyond his control?
So, what IS Calamitas?
Lore question, who's stronger Yharim or Calamitas, or are they equal in power?
what is providence?
Who do you think will be the real final boas? Xeroc, Yharim, or Noxus?
Who is Silva?
What would you like to see in Calamity lore?
I am yet again asking… is this official?